Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Welcome to It’s Fun to Shoot, my own little side of the web to share with others my experiences while shooting. Really getting in to the hobby of shooting has been an “challenge”, with all the different information on the web, people’s personal opinions, and even information found in books, yes they do still sell books, it has been hard to get a straight answer on any one question. So my goal is to try and put in one place at least part of this information to share and help.

Please note I am not an expert to say the least, I am just an average guy who likes to shoot. So what does that mean? This site first and foremost will be geared to the guns I have and the ones I like and shoot. Next none of the information I provide should be taken as law, the opinions expressed on this site are strictly that, opinions, and we all know what they say about those!

So that out of the way, a little about me. I am an IT professional, a husband, and a father of three beautiful children. I am a spirit filled Christian, who know that Christ died on the cross for me! In my free time my hobby list is extensive, including but not limited to computers, cars, wood working, reloading, shooting, gardening, reptiles, etc… I have been shooting for the past 20 years with a few long breaks during that time. I tend to lean to the large caliber hand guns and long distance rifle shooting. I love the challenge of taking something uncontrollable and making it work!

So please be patient as I am working on the site. It will be up and going soon!

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